Test dla dzieci poniżej 13 lat

Questions 1-5

Zaznacz właściwe słowo.

1 What’s .............?

2 They .............. French, they’re British

3 Where ............. you live?

4 He can ............. tennis

5 Sarah is a teacher. ............ works in a school

Questions 6-10

Wybierz właściwe zakończenie.

6 She is

7 Does he

8 I

9 What is

10 I live

Questions 11-15

Wybierz słowo, które nie pasuje do pozostałych.

1 evening

2 car

3 morning

4 afternoon

1 house

2 bedroom

3 living room

4 kitchen

1 egg

2 chocolate

3 cheese

4 cat

1 France

2 Germany

3 Spanish

4 Poland

1 farm

2 cow

3 pig

4 chicken

Questions 16-20

Dopasuj wyrazy do obrazków.


Questions 21-30

Przeczytaj poniższy tekst i zaznacz właściwe odpowiedzi.

Hi. I’m Carol Cutter. I’m eleven years old and I am from Britain. I go to St. Albert’s school in Hull. I live with my parents Jack and Jill and my two brothers Harrison, who is eight and David who is thirteen. My mother is a nurse and my father teaches at my school. My best friends are Claire and Jane. Claire is the same age as me, but Jane is a year older than me. On Thursdays we play netball together.

21 Her mother"s name is Jill.

22 She is 12.

23 Her mother is a teacher.

24 Her surname isn’t Cutter.

25 Her brothers are called Harrison and Jack.

26 What is Jill"s job?

27 Who is David?

28 How old is Jane?

29 What city does Carol live in?

30 Is Harrison older or younger than Carol?

Questions 31-40

Zaznacz właściwą odpowiedź.

31 Could you help me please?

32 What day is it?

33 How old is he?

34 Whose is it?

35 Is she British?

36 What's his name?

37 How much is that?

38 Do you like football?

39 Have you got the time?

40 I have a pet dog.